Workout Strategies When You're Short On Time (6 Of Them!)

There comes a time in your life where you’re going to be extremely crunched for time and won’t be able to have extended workouts.

These times of hecticness (new word) are quite normal:

  • In college, studying for finals or taking an absurd amount of credit hours

  • Working multiple jobs

  • Working a job that requires a lot of overtime

  • Having kids

  • Starting a business

  • Traveling for work

In situations like these, and many others, working out becomes a challenge.

However, if you can somehow find 30-45 minutes to get a workout in, you can make it happen.

These strategies (below) will allow you to fit a fantastic workout into your crazy life.

  1. Stick To Compound Movements

Compound movements are exercises you perform where you are using two or more muscle groups at a time.

These include exercises like: 

  • Squats

  • Deadlifts

  • Bench Press (or Push Ups)

  • Rows, Pull Ups

  • Lunges

  • Shoulder Press

Isolation Movements are exercises where you only use one muscle group at a time.

Exercises like:

  • Bicep Curls

  • Chest Flyes

  • Booty Kickbacks

Compound Movements are superior, especially when you’re short on time, because you get the most bang for your minutes.

If you’re spending 30 minutes doing Compound Movements, you’re going to be able to work more of your muscles compared to Isolation Movements. By doing that, you’re going to burn more calories, build more muscle, and get a better workout in.

2. Shorter Rest Times

Since you have a limited amount of time for your workout, you need to make the most of the precious seconds you’re devoting towards your fitness goals.

Keep rest times to. 20-40 seconds between each set.

Get in, get after it, and get on with your life.

3. Lots Of Supersets

A superset is when you perform two exercises back to back.

For example, doing 10 push ups then immediately doing 10 pull ups is a superset. You complete the push ups, then pull ups, then take a quick break.

You’ll be able to knock more exercises this compared to focusing on one exercise at a time.

To make sure that a few specific muscle groups are overly fatigued from a superset, pair exercises that work opposite muscle groups together.

For example, pair a chest exercise with a back exercise. Or a quad exercise with a hamstring exercise.

4. Circuit Workouts

A circuit workout is a group of exercises performed one after another with minimal, or zero, rest time. It’s like grouping multiple supersets together.

You get a lot of exercises in, in a short amount of time.

Because of that, a circuit workout is the best tool in your toolbox, when it comes to getting in a fantastic workout in a short amount of time.

Below is a sample circuit workout that you could try out (Complete four times through with a 30 second break at the end of each round):

  1. Body Weight Squats: 15 reps

  2. Flat Push Ups: 12 reps

  3. Reverse Lunges: 8 reps, each leg

  4. Dumbbell One Arm Row: 8 reps, each arm

  5. Glute Bridges: 12 reps

  6. Side Plank: 15 second hold each side

5. Work Out at Home (And Get Some Inexpensive Equipment)

For some, this might be the best option. Instead of taking 30+ minutes to make a roundtrip to the gym, a home workout can work very well.

If you don’t have any weight equipment at home, then body weight exercises are great. Exercises like:

  • Push ups

  • Squats

  • Lunges

  • Planks

  • Other Core Exercises

However, after you master body weight movements with your home workouts, it might be time to start adding some equipment to the mix to improve your workouts even more.

Below are some different items you can add to your home workout (with a link to the best cost/product through Amazon):

Booty Bands. Technically you could use them for other body parts but they’re most common to be used for leg exercises. Yes, they do force you to work your booty more when you’re doing leg exercises. But they also can help with strength & mobility in your hips, knees, and ankles. Quality, Inexpensive Bands: (

Resistance bands with a handle. This allows you to add more resistance to more upper body movements. You can start adding in resistance band curls, chest press, shoulder raises, shrugs, shoulder press, rows. Really solid addition to start working more body parts that push ups don’t hit as much. Band With Handle (Just having one of them is perfectly fine): 

Free Weights: The most ideal home gym set up is having some sort of free weights. You can get the absolute most bang for your time through free weights & body weight exercises. 

However, having a normal set of dumbbells can be expensive. The standard price is $1 per 1lb of a dumbbell. So a single 30lb dumbbell is going to be $30. Imagine getting dumbbells from 5lbs to 50lbs with 5 pound increments in between. That can get pricey, real quick. Like ~ $550 pricey.

The less expensive & equally effective option is to have adjustable dumbbells. Not only does it save money but also saves space in your home.

Here are a few different options that are significantly less expensive & save more space than having a set of free weights:

Adjustable Dumbbells (Goes up to 50lbs):

Adjustable Dumbbells (Goes up to 27.5lbs, but less expensive): 

**The links above are my affiliate links through Amazon, meaning that I get compensated with a portion of the sale, if a product is purchased through the link. However, I have no affiliation with any specific company or band as it relates to workout equipment. The items selected & linked are solely based on quality & cost to provide the best options for you.**

6. Something Is Better Than Nothing.

More of a reminder than a specific recommendation for your shortened workout but…..

Something is better than nothing.

If you can get in a 30 minute walk during lunch, instead of doing nothing. That’s a win.

If you can get a quick 20 minute circuit knocked out in the morning before you get ready for work, instead of sleep in. That’s a win.

In closing…..Life can be extremely challenging. Your time will be limited, other priorities (outside of fitness) may arise. However, it’s important to think about your long term health. Making sure you’re getting in some form of activity is going to benefit you now (looking/feeling better) and also in the long term (more functional & healthy as you age).

As always, let me know if you have any questions as it relates to you fitness goals. Email me at .